Startup Growth

Why Hiring Ex-FAANG Employees Might Be a Mistake for Early-Stage Startups

For many early-stage founders, hiring team members from FAANG (Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, Google) companies feels like a shortcut to success. "These folks excelled at Google! Surely they'll turn my fledgling startup into the next unicorn!"

But reality often has other plans. Here’s why hiring FAANG alumni might not be your startup’s golden ticket:

A Simple Framework for Startup Growth

One of the most common—and deceptively simple—questions founders ask is: “How can I grow my business faster?” It feels like the kind of question that should have a straightforward answer. Yet, as many CEOs discover, growth is rarely straightforward. It’s a balancing act between multiple forces, each pulling in different directions.

Why You Can’t Build Your Way Out of Slow Growth

In my recent talk on The Growth Equation, I introduced Barry, an archetypal founder whose story might sound all too familiar. Barry is a product person at heart. He loves nothing more than dreaming up new features and turning ideas into reality. For Barry, the belief is simple: the best products win.